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Five Ways to Use Digital Marketing to Drive Revenue

Five Ways To Use Digital Marketing To Drive Revenue

For companies that want to grow profitably digital marketing is no longer a nice-to-have option in the repertoire of lead generation techniques. Digital marketing is essential to your brand’s growth strategy. Print and broadcast advertising is losing effectiveness every year.

Digital marketing strategies have changed so much in the past 5 years that they cannot be integrated and are not meeting key growth goals. In a study published in Forbes, 63% of marketing and sales professionals reported generating website traffic and leads as their company’s top marketing challenge.

Despite decade-long business growth, many companies aren’t able to build a stable demand generation engine, and, as a consequence, they are not meeting their revenue targets consistently.

According to Business Growth Expert, Terri Maxwell, the reason digital marketing is not achieving objectives is that “although lead generation tools have changed, people buy for the same reasons they always did, they just buy a MUCH different way.’

Maxwell, the inventor of Authentic Demand Generation, discovered five strategies that can ensure your digital marketing is successful.

  1. Digital goals should be tied to revenue and not website traffic.
  2. Use online reviews to tell stories, not sell products.
  3. Analyze traffic sources to capture over 60% of total traffic organic (rather than paid or social traffic).
  4. Instead of trying to sell products, create value-based tools that capture buyer interest.
  5. Social media is a great way to make connections and not just promote your product.

Digital Goals are more important than website traffic.

Maxwell says the biggest mistake a Digital Marketing Agency will make is tying ROI measures to traffic goals rather than revenue-based ROI. Maxwell says, “Who cares how many new visitors your website receives each month? They won’t remember your brand tomorrow if they don’t engage with it.”

Selecting and driving to KPIs based on your goals will help you determine which digital marketing strategies will grow your brand and increase the visibility of your website by linking them to REVENUE.

Storytelling and reviews should be at the top of your advertising strategy.

Advertisements rarely get a response, regardless of whether they are intended or not. They are more interested in stories that show how you can help them or what makes them different than advertisements telling them to buy.

Online reviews are a great way to get your customers involved in sharing your story. You’re missing the best marketing tool available if you don’t leverage online reviews.

“I exceeded my quota each year when I began my sales career in early ’90s by using satisfied customers to introduce me and speak on behalf of our brand. Online reviews are your success story, your testimonial, and your growth strategy. Maxwell says, “the more transparent you are, the better your growth strategy will be.”

Stop playing SEO games and go for organic traffic.

SEO vendors have monopolized digital marketing strategies in the last five years. Maxwell states, “Don’t get confused. SEO games do not generate revenue. Organic traffic does. Your SEO strategy will work if it drives organic traffic and not just Google listings.

Instead of trying to sell stuff, create value-based tools.

Maxwell’s other success strategy is to create value-based tools that allow potential customers to interact directly with your product or services before they buy. SaaS-based software companies have taken advantage of this and offer 30-day free trials.

Maxwell says, “Letting your target audience try your product is always a win.” There are many tools available today that make this easy, and it is always worth the effort.

Instead of promoting your product, use social media to build connections.

Maxwell’s final digital marketing strategy doesn’t drive revenue but builds brand loyalty.

“In 2006, one of our largest clients was Wholly Guacamole, and all we did was post recipes and fun facts about guacamole. Their social media presence soared because they didn’t try to sell anything but were focused on building relationships with their customers.

Maxwell pointed out that brands that grow profitably use social media properties more like extensions of their brand than digital marketing tools.

If you are looking to implement a digital marketing strategy that delivers growth, IGNITE On Purpose is here to help! Contact us today to learn more – and ask about our Pay-for-Performance Program!


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